There's never a right answer to a wrong question. So, what question should YOU be asking in 2007?
In my opinion, these are all WRONG questions:
- how can I get promoted at my job?
- how can I figure out how to save money on childcare?
- how can I get an extra weekend off?
- will I get a vacation this year?
- how can I get more overtime?
Those are unproductive questions, in fact.
Here are the correct questions:- how can I quit my job and make more than my boss?
- how can I raise my own children instead of paying a 7-dollar=an=hour stranger to do it?
- how can I have all the free time I want?
- how many vacations do I want to take this year?(We took six this past year)
- how can I never work more than 25 hours a week?
Need a plan?
- Unplug your TV for a month.
- Get your head into some good personal development.
- Watch the movie The Secret at least twice a month.
- Start a business.
- Get rich.
- Rescue a pet from the Humane Society.
- Forgive somebody.
- Heck, forgive EVERYBODY. Most of all yourself.