You have to have purpose before anything else falls into place.
If you don’t have guidance you’re like bouncing off the walls.
Life without purpose is like a “hamster in a ball”, bouncing all over the place, thinking you getting somewhere, but remaining in the same place.
There’s no deliberation in what you’re doing.
“The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” is a great example taking someone’s life and finding their true potential, who they are and what they want in life.
In the book, this guy was living real scattered in his life, then to realize there are three types of people in this world:
The person who makes it happen;
The other person who watches it happen;
And the person who wonders how it happens.
I used to live my life working for corporate America and just going through the motions and making it happen for someone else and wondering what was going on in my life; not very focused at all, just living my life. Then I aligned myself with Liberty League and now I wake up excited about what I’m going to create for the day. Not like I used to where it was wake up and okay….cruise through my day and go through the motions, with no guidance or purpose as to why I was there. Getting involved with Liberty League has helped me get clear with why I’m here and what I want for myself.
It’s very exciting when passion and purpose come together; it’s like that burning excitement for life. You the read cannot understand until you experience it for yourself. And an INCREDIBLE feeling it is.
It all starts with you and starting that first step into your journey and when you know what your purpose is, it only takes that first step to keep going.
Steven Spielberg’s movie - Joe vs. the Volcano:
Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are floating on a boat and Meg says “My father once told me that almost the whole world is completely asleep, but the very few that choose to be awake live in a complete and total state of amazement.”
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wake UP to Success - 3 P's to Success -- Purpose, Passion Practice
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:03 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- 3 P’s of Success - Purpose, Passion, Practice
Passion is a natural choice and what occupies your attention.
Passion drives itself.
For instance, personal development and say goal cards are a tool designed to help you reconnect with what you used to do naturally; reminders to get connected to what you want, taking your eye off the drama and mundane stuff and get connected to what’s really important to you.
Getting clear on your goals brings you clarity and awareness and is incredibly important part of “stirring-up” your passion. The natural enthusiasms that we were born with and somewhere along the way have lost touch.
If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing – LOVE what doing and PASSIONATE about what you’re doing – you won’t succeed.
First you get clear on your purpose and passion is that natural innate enthusiasm that we all have when we’re clear on our purpose.
So go ahead and design you perfect day....AND GET PASSIONATE!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:56 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- 3 P's to Success - Purpose Passion, Practice
Some people have greatness thrust upon them….Few have excellence thrust upon them….they achieve it.
They do not achieve it unwittingly by doing what comes naturally and they don’t stumble into it in the course of amusing themselves.
All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose – John William Gardner
Practicing your craft – doing the thing….being engaged in the actual nuts and bolts that creates results.
Think Capitalism – Free Enterprise – Engaging in a business where you’re giving someone far more in value, then you receive in compensation.
Personal Development in its self is all about awareness, clarity, discovering who you are and your personal power. Practicing is getting engaged in the process that allows you to generate an income -- Linking the income producing activity.
Liberty League International is a lifestyle company that requires for one to apply the discipline and tenacity of purpose. What we have here is the ability to live an incredible lifestyle, to actually have the utmost experience of life and to live a life to the fullest. Life is about having the experience which involves taking action. It’s the action in this business that produces the income that gives us the freedom.
At LLI you have seven different ways to produce income:
Beyond Freedom Sales
Referred Beyond Freedom Sales
Liberty Conference Sales
Referred Liberty Conference Sales
Summit Conference Sales
Referred Summit Conference Sales
Revenue Reimbursement Rewards
A powerful compensation plan that rewards us for taking the actions you’re willing to take.
A mason complaining about his boss……
….. “I make $18.00 per hour and I saw my boss hand someone a bid for a job and on that bid the hourly rate was $50.00 per hour.”
The mason was upset that his boss was making $32.00 per hour while he was only making $18.00 per hour for the work he was doing. He was irritated and grumbling about the fact that he was only one of the 40 masons his boss was working with.
Yes, it’s irritating, but it’s called leverage and at the end of the day the bottom line is the employer deserves to charge $50.00 per hour and make $32.00 per hour for the job where the employee only makes $18.00 per hour, because the employer is the one who invested in the company and willing to take the risks. The employer is the one who gets up every single day and with discipline moves forward in his business, making sure he’s connecting with his customers and making sure his customers are getting what they deserve.
The employer is delivering and the employee is the one willing to pack his lunch, drive to the site and work for the employer so that the employer can make more money then the employee.
So the decision is:
Are you the one who’s going to take the risk and invest in yourself?
If not, then stay an employee and be happy about it.
Or, take advantage of the leverage and be the business owner.
“I had already proven that I was willing to pay the price, I was just paying the wrong price”
We’re all willing to put the time and effort into something. Are you doing it in a certain way or the right activity?
Have Purpose and Passion and then Practice
I’m a single mom determined to pave my own way and provide my son the lifestyle he deserves. I had the fortitude to believe in myself and take the risk.
The one thing, which I knew then and know now, for certain was that I was the person that could get the job done, show up everyday, forge forward and take the action.
I structure my time – practice makes perfect.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
12:48 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice