Thursday, February 1, 2007
If You Think You Could...
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
5:57 PM
Labels: priscilla laracuente, Team Hoyt
Oprah And The Secret
As you may have heard, Oprah is hosting a show dedicated to The Secret... She's invited Rhonda Byrne, the producer of The Secret, to be on the show, along with four of The Secret's teachers: Dr. Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols and James Ray. I've been a huge fan of "The Secret" since the first time I saw it a couple of years ago. It has changed my life!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
10:06 AM
Labels: bob proctor, Oprah Winfrey, priscilla laracuente, self development, the secret
Talk About Having A Vision!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:18 AM
Labels: harpo, Oprah Winfrey, priscilla laracuente, self development, the secret
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Part IV - The Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Growth
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Knowing this to be true, I am taking my first step today. Criticism,
condemnation, and complaint are creatures of the wind. They come and go on the wasted breathe of lesser beings and have
no power over me. The power of control belongs to me. Today I will exercise that power. My course has been charted. My destiny is assured. I have a decided Heart. I am passionate about my vision for the future. I will awaken every morning with
an excitement about the new day and its opportunity for growth and change. I will freely give my vision for the future to others, and as they see the belief in my eyes, they will follow me. I will lay my head on my pillow at night happily exhausted, knowing that I have done everything within my power to move the mountains in my path. As I sleep, the same dream that dominates my waking hours will be with me in the dark. Yes, I have a dream. It is a great dream, and I will never apologize for it. Neither will I ever let it go, for if I did, my life would be finished. My hopes, my passions, my vision for the future are my very existence. A person without a dream never had a dream come true. I have a decided heart. I will not wait. I am not timid. I will move now and not look back. I do not procrastinate. All my problems become smaller when I confront them. If I touch a thistle with caution, it will prick me, but if I grasp it boldly, its spines crumble into dust.
I will not wait!
I am passionate about my vision for the future!
My course has been charted!
My destiny assured!
I Have A Decided Heart!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
8:31 PM
Labels: andy andews, priscilla laracuente, self development, the seven decisions
Bill gives workers time off for kids
Businesses, schools leery of mandate
Rep. Rodney Hubbard, D-St. Louis, is sponsoring a bill that would require employers to give employees four hours of paid leave every month - six days a year - to spend in their child’s class. For the rest of the article click here.
I work from home so the idea of not seeing my child is foreign. I left my job 2.5 years ago and never looked back. My main purpose for doing so was to spend more time with my son. Now I participate in his school activities and volunteer all the time. I pick my son up from school every day and spend quality time together. My home business is portable and convenient -- from anywhere at any time.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
2:09 PM
Labels: entrepreneur, home business, priscilla laracuente
Quality vs. Quantity
Anyone in business knows, the quality of leads is the key to making it or breaking it. You can call thousands of leads, but if the leads aren't responding to the right advertising, you'll be wasting valuable time. Yes, you may make a sale or two, but your conversion rate will go up significantly in correlation to the quality of your leads. In my business, I teach people how to market effectively with a simple proven system so that their leads are of quality. One lead can equal one sale when it's the right lead. Whether it's a home based business, a work at home opportunity, direct sales, network marketing or traditional business, having the leads that convert to customers means dollars in the bank and a successful venture as an entrepreneur.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
12:24 AM
Labels: entrepreneur, home business, money, priscilla laracuente, self development
Monday, January 29, 2007
Think Like an Entrepreneur
Sixty percent of all Americans are dreaming about starting their own businesses. Why? What's their motivation? I recently heard some fascinating answers to that question while I was listening to recorded transcripts from The Entrepreneur's Success Codes, a Trump University course that's taught by Jeff Burrows. In those transcripts, a group of Trump University students - all successful entrepreneurs - answered Jeff's question, "Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?" Let's take a closer look at the reasons they gave:
Motivation #1: An unstoppable passion for the work itself. It could be making real estate investments, restoring old cars or designing computer systems for businesses. As one student in The Entrepreneur's Success Codes class said, "I loved my work so much, I couldn't not do it."
Motivation #2: A drive to help others. It might be a desire to help other people be healthier, or more successful, or richer, or more beautiful. One student said that her longing to help people started after she recovered from a serious accident.
Motivation #3: The need for freedom. One class member said that after working in rigid corporations for years, the desire to control his own work took over his life.
Motivation #4: A hunger for challenge. For some entrepreneurs, the greatest motivator is the challenge of starting a business itself. Other concerns are secondary.
Motivation #5: Security. One entrepreneur said he started his own company because he hated working for companies where he could get laid off at any time. Of course, starting a company is risky. New companies fail. But despite those risks, running his own company put him in control of his own destiny."
**This article taken from Trump University.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
11:58 PM
Labels: blogosphere, entrepreneur, home business, marketing, priscilla laracuente, psi seminars
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Web tips for entrepreneurs
I know first hand that starting a home business has it's challenges. This article will come in handy for anyone in need of a business website. Bravenet, Freewebs, and Hitcounter offer free website hosting.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
10:10 PM
Labels: entrepreneur, marketing, priscilla laracuente, the science of getting rich