Saturday, February 17, 2007

5 Marketing Tools for Home-Based Businesses

Because a home-based business doesn’t have a storefront for passers-by to notice and no opportunity to generate walk-in business, home-based businesses need marketing other types of businesses, not less.
Not marketing your home-based business will almost certainly doom it to failure.

1. Direct mail. still a cost-effective way to advertise in many industries.

2. Voice mail. Even the outgoing message on your answering machine or voice mail system can help promote your business when utilized correctly.

3. Press releases. The only thing better than cheap publicity is free publicity, and well-timed, professional press releases can result in just that.

4. Referrals. Referrals are probably the single best way to find new customers. If you do something well, chances are people are going to talk about it.

5. Radio interviews. If you can speak knowledgeably about your product or service and tie it in well with current events, radio interviews are a great way to reach a wide audience and improve your customer base.