Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wake UP to Success -- Claiming Ownership of Your Business and Taking Action

Personal development and the law of attraction are on the forefront of the public consciousness.

The business that I’m affiliated with Liberty League International is leading the charge, in terms of showing people how to create their lives on purpose.

The commonalities of people that get consistent results take ownership of their business and take action.

First ask yourself:
What could I do that I haven’t done?
Where is it that I could be more effective?
What decisions can I make that I haven’t made yet?

~ Its one thing to be around the business and yet another to be in the business – to be the business ~

In my case with Liberty League International, I’m in the business of Transformation/Liberation; so when I think about what I can do that I haven’t done….it’s up to me….if I’m a person of integrity and my word….then YES I’m going to accomplish those things……and it’s up to me to take the actions I’ve yet to take.
For example, part of that is going away for the weekend on a whim, because my business is a lifestyle company and that’s what I came here for, so it reveals the lifestyle. Its part of the actions that I must take to reach the goals I set for myself. Which, in fact, are out of my comfort zone, taking a weekend jaunt to a spontaneous place and spending money on hotels and everything else involved. And for you the reader, there are all kinds of things you have to do; and the things we have to do are not mysterious to us because they are the things we aren’t comfortable doing; if we were then we would already have them.

Michael Losier the author of The Law of Attraction says – “if you’re wondering what you’ve been expecting or attracting, just look around, you already have it.”


Ask yourself:
What’s the price that I have to pay?

So when I ask myself…..What do I want to do least?....and I know what it is, as I try my hardest to avoid recognizing it, well that’s the one that I do first! I get uncomfortable and it moves me toward the unknown, the next level. I abandon “comfort zone” and I get unreasonable and I take the action.

So ask yourself:
What actions can I take, that I’m seeing others take that are bearing fruit in their lives?

And without questions or hesitation TAKE THOSE ACTIONS!!

Do the thing to succeed, not to try not to fail.

Fear gives away you’re power

Be powerful and go beyond your fears….if you desire to succeed, play full out, no questions, no hesitations, if it moves you in the direction of your goals, take the action immediately, but if you think…what if it doesn’t work for me? POOF you’ve already lost.


I don’t operate my business with an escape path or a plan B. That’s claiming ownership.

Claiming ownership means….I create my life, I create the exact amount of financial success.