Monday, May 21, 2007

Journal to Prosperity - Lifesytle

I’m living proof that I’m in a business with a community of people that allow me to be exactly who I want to be. I get to choose the lifestyle that I choose.

How I did this was by taking personal responsibility for my life.....when I did ~ everything became possible.

I allowed myself to be open and I made the decision to make a significant change in my life.

I asked myself “What do I want?” and I got real specific with what I wanted.
I wrote down exactly what I wanted and had a visual picture of exactly what I wanted.
I knew it was exactly what I wanted, because I felt it emotionally and it had nothing to do with money or anything else, but everything to do with me.

SMART goal:

S – specific, clear, detailed goal
M– measurable
A– attainable
R– relevant
T– timely