Joe and Tom start a business on the same day.
They have the same training, the same presentation, the same system and the same support.
And yet Joe achieves the position of success very quickly and is able to make money; while Tom is spinning his wheels.
What's the difference? Why is "Tom" not making money?
Firstly of all, this article is not directed to anyone in particular. Unless you think it is. I take the position, that every person reading this has WITHIN THEMSELVES exactly what it takes to be successful. I see everyone as successful right now.
So, this article is to provide some insight on why someone you know in a business -- we'll call him "Tom" -- who might not be getting his desired results. Maybe Tom is someone you know. Maybe Tom is someone whom you'd like to help.
The following are some things that come to mind that I believe keep people "stuck".
Do this: picture a person standing with his shoulders slumped. He's looking at his feet. He's kicking the dirt with his toe. He's got his hands in his pocket. Now, this person might be the nicest person in the world, but everything about his posture says "Leave me alone", even if he's starving to talk to someone. Now, you can even picture what that person sounds like on the phone as well. Tom has no confidence.
Confidence is vital. It breeds success. And the recipe for confidence is simple:
- feel good about yourself,
- feel good about what you're doing and
- have a very clear vision of what your life is going to look like in the next few weeks because of what you're doing.
If "Tom" will get very clear on his goals, he'll be more confident and he will present himself as someone that people will want to spend more time with.
I see this from time to time. "Tom" is so desperate for a sale that he feels the need to use language that is meant to "entice" a person. And it doesn't work. It only makes Tom look more desperate.
What are some examples? Tom doesn't use his support system. He wants to answer all the questions. And then he announces that he made a great connection and has a possible sale, that doesn't. Or Tom might follow the system, but in the end, starts to over talk and comes across as trying to convince a prospect with his opinion. Or worse, he'll call back the prospect after a presentation to check thier interest level and try to convince a 3 to be a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. He'll spend time "overcoming objections" and trying to get the prospect to be more interested than he is. The best thing Tom can do is to shut up and just stick to the system. Because this is not a business of "selling" people. It's a business of sorting. And the sooner Tom figures this out, the more money he'll start making.Sir Isaac Newton had it right: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The more time Tom spends chasing prospects, the more they will run away from him.
This is a big reason why people like "Tom" choose to stay stuck. He's constantly getting ready to work his business.You've seen this guy. This is the guy who has been in the business for a week and has still not put a single person on the presentation calls. Not one. He's still going through his starter kit. He's rehearsing his voicemail script for the 25th time. He's calling to ask which 800Link package he needs to get.The solution for "Tom" is simply to tell him this: "Tom, if you're serious about this business, here's what you have to do: go find 6 people to put on the calls in the next 24 hours. Call me after they get off the line and we'll get their questions answered."That's it.That's the business.Not spending another week "getting ready". "Getting Ready" is a common trap for people like Tom. Make sure that you teach him to avoid it.
This is the simplest but it seems some people fall for it. Tom is attending all the training calls. He's attending the team calls. He's "around" the business all day. But he's not calling leads. He's not putting people on presentation calls. He's not doing followups or three-ways.In short, he's not doing anything that makes money. He's "around" the business but not "in" the business.And simply put, the only solution is for Tom to get off his ass and go to work. Nothing happens until Tom moves.'s time to get going! Money is waiting on you but it's not going to come over and jump in your pocket! Go get it!
This is one that no one thinks they have. And yet every "Tom" I've met seems to have at least a mild case of it. They deny it but it's there.Here's the deal: "negativity" does not mean "unfriendly". Or "rude". Or "abrasive".I'm thinking of a "Tom" right now. He is one of the most negative people I know but he's very friendly. Very cheerful. Very happy-go-lucky. If you met him, you'd think he's a fun guy to be around.But, "Tom" is a negative person because -- underneath all that happiness -- he doesn't really expect good things to happen for him. He doesn't really think he's going to make money today. He doesn't really think that his leads are going to be any better than yesterday's. He is actually expecting things to NOT go his way.And he's always right. Because the law of attraction says we don't get what we want....we get what we vibrate. And "Tom" is vibrating a negative expectation of his goals. So, that's what he gets: no goals.This is an insidious one. Because, in good people, negativity often hides underneath a veneer of positive attitude. But it's still there, lurking underneath, sabotaging all the right things you're doing.How would Tom know if this is what's keeping him stuck? Simple. Ask Tom to make the following statement: "I am going to earn $_____ this week" and then ask him honestly if he feels like he's telling the truth or not. If the answer is anything but a 'yes' or takes longer than 2 seconds to answer....then he really doesn't believe what he's saying.And that brings me to the biggie....
Read this carefully! Every "Tom" I've seen in this business has got this one.....and every one of them would also claim that it's not their problem.There are three levels of belief: hope, expectancy and certainty. Obviously you have to have a certain level of belief to get started. But "Tom" is forever stuck in hope. He doesn't really believe that he's going to be the guy earning thousands of dollars in a day or a week.He'll write the affirmations.He'll carry a goal card.He'll attend the training calls.He'll go through all the motions.But, at the end of the day, he won't take ownership of his own belief system.Here's one litmus test; it's not the only one but it's an easy one: most of the time Tom has never bought his conference tickets.Why? It's not because he doesn't have the money. It's because he doesn't really believe that he's going to make enough money to recoup that cost.And -- boom -- just like that. There it is: the lack of belief that is keeping him from making sales.Belief is the bottleneck for all action. You can have all the belief in the world but you only get credit for the amount of belief that you're willing to ACT on. So, if someone says "Oh, I believe this will work...I just want to make some sales at the BF level before I buy my tickets..."...., well that person is basically saying "I don't believe it and I need to prove something to myself."And that's the problem: when you have no belief of your own, you CANNOT prove anything to anyone, including yourself.The good news is that Tom can solve this problem easily, too. If Tom didn't believe that ducks existed, all Tom would need to do is go find a duck. If Tom didn't believe that someone could type 90 words per minute, Tom would just need to find someone who's doing it.Evidence creates belief.And, if Tom wants to operate at high belief, all he has to do is see all the evidence around him for how people just like him are getting phenomenal results in their business.And then take action on that belief himself. Buy the leads. Go to the conference. Attend a training event. ANY action that is based on belief will plant a seed of achievement in your business.
Hopefully, this article will be of value to "Tom". He's a powerful guy but he's bought the lie that he's got to struggle in order to be successful.
So, my final words to "Tom" are these:
Tom, don't ever let anyone tell you that you're not powerful. You are. And you have everything within you that you need to be successful. But you're going to have to get off your're going to have to follow the system....and you're going to have to be bold and courageous in your decision-making.And when you do that...when you take your foot of the brakes....when you leap.....when you exhibit real belief in who you are and what you're doing.........that's when you will start making money so quickly you'll wonder where it's been hiding all this time.Now. Go do it.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wake UP to Succes - Why does Joe succeed and Tom doesn't?
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:56 AM
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