Being real and having results that are self evident and how so much of ones power comes from simply being someone who’s being real and getting results.
This is a very powerful yet simple topic.
Credible – having the quality of something that is believable; inspiring trust and confidence.
People are looking to connect with something that is real; that’s what people want. Ultimately on an emotional level if you were to strip away products and pay plans, money and opportunity the basic driving core need of everyone is that we want to be connected to something that is real and satisfying. That’s what people are looking for.
On so many levels here at Liberty League…
- Whether it’s who you’re being when you call a prospect,
- If it’s what the prospect hears when they attend the live orientation call,
- It’s when a prospect gets their questions answered after the orientation in a powerful way.
Through the entire process the prospect really just wants to be connected to something that’s real; that’s what their looking for and they do, there’s a reason why Liberty League is one of the fasting growing companies in two different industries, it’s because people are looking for authenticity and they’re finding it here.
In analyzing this business, you can find true authenticity in every category.
▪ Our live presentation calls have credibility, we have 21 calls every week – all live, not full of wild energy or false enthusiasm, the host is there - relaxed to get a simple message across –that if you’re willing to make a few simple but powerful decisions and you’re willing to follow a proven system, you can live a magnificent life.
▪ Our testimonials are genuine and clearly identifiable; you can’t fake the truth when a single mom is able to follow a simple system and now owns more then a million dollars in real estate. Or when you hear the results of others that they went through the Beyond Freedom course and I put back together a marriage – that’s real, AUTHENTIC and the credibility that I was looking for.
▪ And when we open the lines for questions and some of the best questions show that people are really thinking; that they are really looking for that emotional connection. When people ask “How do I know this is real” and they get an answer that serves them; it’s an opportunity for the host of that call to show leadership, power and strength that serves everyone on the line, because one person chose to be honest and ask “I just want to know if it’s really possible”.
It’s all about being real and authentic with people.
And you don’t have to be polished and in a three piece suit.
Prospects are more interested in you being you.
And when they see you choosing to live your life authentically as a powerful leader who’s on a path to a place they’ve never been and you’re reaching people by showing them what they have to do to get there. That’s what people respond to….and it’s rare, authenticity is rare, flip on the television and see the uninspiring ads that are out there, where the best the ad can do is rely strictly on hype to get someone to buy something…..and what most people are use to……some over the top message.
That’s the difference between power vs force and when you’re being authentic, the leader that really is on the path, then you have power and the people you deal with on a daily basis will get that. Being real has power and people can tell the difference. People respond to authenticity and when you bring the credibility into it, when they see someone getting results with hard facts, they realize this is an industry that people are spending 9 billion dollar - self education products - so that people can get out of what they’re into, to learn how to grow and be more today then yesterday. There are 10’s of thousands of people sitting in conference rooms hoping to learn how to get better results….better then what they have produced on their own.
Our testimonials of people sharing where they were and where they’re going are all inspiring and make you think “I’m glad I answered that ad” or “Man, if I hadn’t answered that ad” or “Man, if I had fallen into that -- this is too good to be true trap” which have kept so many people out of the right opportunity.
Or maybe people won’t even language it that way, but people know when they have connected to something real.
To the degree that you can get this….it will spring board your life.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Wake UP to Success - Credibilty and Authenticity
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
8:34 PM
Labels: authenticity, credibility
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wake UP to Success - Law of Least Effort
For instance….if a guy says he’s going to build a deck and says “I’m going to build a deck this month”, it’ll take him about a month to build the deck and the same thing if he says “You know what, I’m going to build a deck this weekend”.
The funny thing is…that if you chart that guys exertion, (in terms of how much actual work is required), you’d find that he’s not working a whole lot harder to get a deck built in a weekend as he does to spread it out over the entire month. He’s working more on purpose, more efficient with his actions.
Getting more done in less time, the Law of Least Resistance – the Law of Least Effort
Holding it to a place where you can get in your personal development so that who you’re being is so unbelievably powerful that people are irresistibly drawn into your business.
The concept is that things will take as long as you expect them to take.
One of the great ways to move fast is massive actions.
Massive action creates massive results.
And here we have the idea that we want to create wealth by attraction (power) as oppose to force.
So the balance between the two is….
For example a Star Trek mental picture - when Captain Kirk wants to go on warp speed “How much extra work does he have to do?” None, he simply says “Warp Speed” and the button is pushed.
And that’s the way this business works and actually how everything in life works….it’s all about the decision….it’s all about choice…’s about letting go of the things that have clogged up the pipeline of prosperity; getting rid of the blocks and accepting the idea and belief that “I don’t have to work six to seven hours a day or call hundreds of leads to create the kind of income I want.” “I’m going to be able to create all the prosperity that I desire and I’m going to be able to do in record time and in an easy free-flowing experience while I’m living in my freedom right here and now.”
Easy Free-Flowing Experience – Money, Love, Physical Health, Fun and Laughter
An incredible life created on purpose.
Plan it that way!
Lead by example…Lead by attraction….Show the possibility.
I start my day with my son, journaling, listening to jazz music, on the sundeck getting things ready for the day. Every day I start my day “enjoying the day”.
I have friends that in the real estate market, they’re doing loans and they say to me “You know you’re always out doing activities with your son, going to the NY Woman’s Basketball games at Madison Square Garden, going to the water parks, out bike riding with your son. And what I say to them “The thing you don’t understand about my business is if I’m not out on the beach, if I’m not out at a baseball game or out skateboarding with my son, I’m not making money”. They stop and say “How is that?” And I explain that it’s about showing the possibility, leading by example/attraction. If I’m not having fun, if I’m cooping myself up in an office, I’m not making money. People have to see the possibility
Live in the flow and live by example.
In fact, when you figure out that you don’t have to figure it out, just do the income producing activity, you’ll start living your life and making a lot of money.
Look at how we live life; if you want to go to dinner, you get in the car and start driving, not knowing what’s in between you and the restaurant. You have no clue, so you run into a red light, what do you do? You deal with it, you stop; you run into a detour, you go around it; someone is crossing the street, you slow down for them,
Everywhere in life, we start and figure it out along the way, but when people get started in a home based business, people start to feel like they can’t really move until they know everything and it’s one of the worse things you can do.
Paralysis by Analysis
It takes a lot of rewiring of your brain to get to the point of letting your ego go on how things need to happen and really allowing yourself to follow the people that come before you and following a proven system.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
6:25 PM
Labels: law of least effort, parkinson law
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
So you want to know how to get into profits FAST
Q: How do I get into profit fast?
The faster you dive into the community, product and training calls; the faster you have guest of your own on the presentation calls and calling your advisor to have them answer your guests questions; the faster you move into that activity, the faster you will see results. Keep things simple, don’t reinvent the wheel – JUST MOVE!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- FREE - Freedom and Free Enterprise
Do you realize how unapologetically right it is for someone to want to be wealthy?
Despite some of the conditions we may have grown up with…
We all have these conditionings and dominantly the mass consciousness is that it’s more spiritual to be poor…if you’re wealthy, then you have your priorities out of whack.
And again - it is unapologetically right for someone to want to be wealthy, because your wealth is a direct measurement of the level of service you’re providing to others.
If you’re earning your money because of service, then you should want to be a billionaire, because that means you’re serving a lot of people in a grand way.
Let’s touch on how Free Enterprise works in terms of how people get more use value from something that maybe we receive from cash value and that’s how it’s suppose to work.
In my previous posting we touched on how we came to be in a position that most Americans are not involved in free enterprise and their emotionally disconnected from a lot of what’s going on around them, so the average person today has basically chosen to give up the ability to be involved in free enterprise and be employed. So their selling their time in eight hour chunks, giving away the best part of their day, their energy and emotion in exchange for a wage and that is time that they are not able to invest in relationships or connected with their families or even their physical lives to exercise, read and develop their intellectual pursuit; which all requires that a person has a reason amount of time that was sold to an employer.
(Don’t get me wrong employers are good guys, they’re the ones that are willing to take the risk and get involved in free enterprise and provide a service or a product that has real value to the end consumer, and he’s actually the hero. This is not about good, bad, or wrong, right, it’s about two people that made two different choices. One engaged in free enterprise and has complete control of his earning abilities and the other person who chose to be an employee is in a situation where he doesn’t really have any control on how much he earns and only has a certain amount of time that he could trade for dollars.)
Here’s the point, we can simply choose to do something today to make money, that’s free enterprise. Profits are better then wages.
Liberty League is engaged in the purest form of free enterprise on the planet, it’s a basic retail direct sale with a built in referral system that provides a massive amount of leverage.
Free enterprise is wonderful because it’s based on a volunteer exchange of value. Why does anyone buy anything? Because someone wants something more then they want the money in their pocket that it takes to own it. It’s a free exchange between two people. Why does someone drive a Bentley?; or Who in the world would pay $300 for a pen?; or $40K for a wedding celebration or maybe even a unique collector’s item or a hot item like the newest Apple iPhone where someone really wants the phone and is willing to pay $1K for it on ebay and because it’s a voluntary exchange of value, it’s a completely valid transaction and they absolutely deserve the $1K for the sale of the phone and the other person will be completely happy that he owns one of the hottest phones on the market that’s hard to just go into a store and buy.
There’s an unlimited amount of money in this world and when you really learn how to manifest money into your life and do it with ease and some free flowing attitude you almost feel as if it’s unfair where all you’re doing is giving someone paper in exchange for what you want, it feels unfair because you can always generate more paper. I can go manifest thousands and thousands of dollars because of being someone being involved in free enterprise, so it’s exciting to buy what you want in exchange for paper and when you’re involved with free enterprise it’s like you own the printing press. So here at LLI and free enterprise it’s a way of getting into that flow where there’s no limit.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:37 PM
Labels: free enterprise
Monday, July 9, 2007
Wake UP to Success - BOGO FREE {Free Enterprise}
You can always get everyone’s attention when you advertise BuyOneGetOne Free
Freedom and Free Enterprise
Liberty League International is in the business of creating Freedom with the most powerful form of free enterprise on the planet.
We live in a country in which we are afforded certain liberties just by right of being a citizen; for example, the average American has a great deal of political freedom (generally speaking as long as you’re not imposing on the rights of others); but time and financial freedom are not something that most Americans can enjoy. And because of the two dominate issues (lack of time and financial freedom), most people also have very little emotional and spiritual freedom; the time to be able to really engage in the things that make a person feel complete as a human being.
We all know the routine well:
- a man and women wake up in the morning, kisses someone good-bye, puts the kids in the back seat, then puts them in the arms of strangers or day care, then they go to a job where they’re selling their time and productivity to somebody else at whole sale prices, then pick up the kids, go to the drive through and pick up a bucket of fast food, everyone eats and after watching a couple of hours of television, everyone goes to sleep to get up and do it all over again the next day.
That’s the lives of many many many people.
- There’s a Dad right now sitting somewhere thinking about how his little girl just graduated high school and is going to college shortly and he spent the best years of her life absence, having to work long hours so she could have what she needed. And yes he did it and deserves a pat on the back for doing what he had to do to help his family survive, but here’s the thing…..emotionally at what cost? Would he give anything to have those years back? There are plenty of single moms that are working two jobs to come up for extra cash to pay for necessities.
You can bear witness to the lack of time and financial freedom anywhere you go. And the two combined has created an even bigger problem, which is the emotional cost of not being connected to the people we love.
- There’s a Dad out there trying to figure out how he’s going to pay for his daughters wedding and the only option he has is to go out and take a loan to pay for his daughters wedding.
And most of these emotional problems (lack of freedom and split emotional families) are connected to how the people in our society have chosen to make money.
- In 1931, a young college student from Britain came to the United States on a traveling scholarship and was shocked and amazed that in the land of so much opportunity so many Americans wanted to work for companies instead of working for themselves. So when he returned to England he wrote a paper on “Why in a free enterprise economy would a worker voluntarily submit to direction by a corporation instead of selling his or her own output or service directly to a consumer in the marketplace.” That student was Ronald Coase, 1991 Nobel Laureate in Economics
A man received a Nobel Prize for asking the same question we’ve all asked ourselves - “Why on earth would I want to work for someone else?”
JOB ??? who wants a job? It’s probably the worse way to make a living. Could you make more money if you did something on your own?
Did you know the word “job” did not mean what it means today?
- A hundred years ago a blacksmith would go out and get jobs...….Farmer Brown wants me to shoe his horse and Farmer Green wants me to make him some axes.
A job was something a self employed person would do. Then the industrial revolution/assembly line came along and companies started coming to people saying to them:
- “If you’ll come down to our factory and punch this clock we’ll give you regularity of pay and you won’t have to worry about the weeks when Farmer Brown doesn’t need you to shoe his horse. You don’t have to do anything but show up and do what we tell you and we’ll give you a raise every now and then and we’ll make sure that your family is provided for because we’re going to give you a job."
And that’s where the word “job” shifted in meaning. And just like that the citizen gave away all his earning power by choosing to let someone else tell him what his time and productivity was worth.
It worked for a long while, companies flourished and people were happy, but not any more, that system hasn’t worked in 40 years. The idea, that a company is responsible for giving an employee lifetime employment, is a financial fairytale. That hasn’t worked since the 1950’s and the problem is that most people growing up today are basically taking financial advice from their parents who grew up in a totally different economy then we do today. So it’s amazing on how many people still buy into the idea that the secret to financial success is to go to college, get your degree and get a job at a big company and retire with a pension.
You and I both know that’s not happening, but I shared it with you so you know the difference where the American citizen basically traded their earning power for a bowl of company portage and why the word job is going extinct. Because people who are savvy, people who understand how money works are going back to where we were a hundred years ago, saying “hey let me be responsible for my own earnings.” “I don’t want anyone telling me how much money I could make.”
So this is the DEAL…..Free Enterprise is where it’s at!!
Profits are better then Wages
Profits are the money that you can earn by providing service to others.
And that’s what we’re about here at Liberty League, the service we provide is:
- an incredible product that is worth far more then it’s price tag
- the leadership we offer
- and the community to plug into
When people chose to commit to the product and be involved with the community it’s the greatest value that they will ever have in any other area of their life.
It’s the business that will let the single mom breathe easy, and be home with her child(ren) when the school bus drops off the kids. It’s the kind of business that will allow a broke piano player/assistant manager for a retail store to come in and make more in a month then they did in a year.
YES, Free Enterprise is where it’s at!! And underneath all the money is the FREEDOM…..the ability to finally have enough money flowing in your life so you can do whatever you want to do, when you want to do it with the people you’re in love with.
That’s what freedom is, that’s what I’m about and that’s what Liberty League is all about; providing people the opportunity to create freedom through free enterprise.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
8:02 PM
Labels: financial freedom, financial security, free enterprise
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Abraham-Hicks Rampage of Wellbeing - Awakening - Enlightenment
Be Inspired!!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
1:07 PM
Labels: Abraham-Hicks, personal development, self development
The Seven Critical Traits of Top Entrepreneurs
1. Have passion - Mr. Trump has never said to me, “Be passionate!” Yet it’s at the core or his thinking. Exactly what is passion? He summarizes it as, “Enthusiasm on a big scale.”
2. Be tenacious-Mr. Trump is not someone who lets me, or anyone in his organization, give up on any project until every possibility of success has been explored. Consider the fact that he bought the land for Trump Place in Manhattan way back in 1974 - and it is now nearing completion. That’s tenacity.
3. Think big - We all have to start with small steps on any project, but Mr. Trump urges people to take the biggest steps they are capable of. “Thinking big can get you to the top,” he once said, “and I can tell you, it’s not lonely up here!”
4. Be a sponge for new information and ideas - There’s really no such thing as knowing too much about what you’re doing. Despite his packed schedule, Mr. Trump reads everything he can and strives to get information he can use from everyone he meets. There’s often a book on his desk, and I find that inspiring.
5. Take action - When you know need what you need to know about a project or idea, you need to move decisively. Yet Mr. Trump also has a flexible philosophy and he’s willing to take a step back and start again - tenaciously - if the time is not right to move forward. So it is a matter of taking risks, but considered risks. Mr. Trump once said, “A lot of people are afraid to fail, so they don’t try. They talk, but they don’t do. That’s the perfect formula for failure.”
6. Learn to negotiate - “Learning to negotiate is invaluable if you hope to connect in any way with other people.”
7. Enjoy competition - Your competitors are there to help you perform better in the world and - certainly - achieve more success than they have. “Competition forces me to outdo myself,” Mr. Trump has said. “I love competition because, ultimately, it makes me bigger.”
To those of you who are in the United States, I wish you a happy Fourth of July holiday. America is great place to launch a great business. And to our foreign readers, all good wishes for every success. I believe the seven traits I outline above can offer you a blueprint for winning.
Article by Michael Sexton
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:29 AM
Labels: donald trump, entrepreneur quiz
Monday, July 2, 2007
Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes
The ability to imagine what you are wanting, rather than only observing what-is, is what takes you beyond. You are a physical being, but you are much more.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
1:40 PM
Labels: Abraham-Hicks
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wake UP to Success - 3 P's to Success -- Purpose, Passion Practice
You have to have purpose before anything else falls into place.
If you don’t have guidance you’re like bouncing off the walls.
Life without purpose is like a “hamster in a ball”, bouncing all over the place, thinking you getting somewhere, but remaining in the same place.
There’s no deliberation in what you’re doing.
“The Way of the Peaceful Warrior” is a great example taking someone’s life and finding their true potential, who they are and what they want in life.
In the book, this guy was living real scattered in his life, then to realize there are three types of people in this world:
The person who makes it happen;
The other person who watches it happen;
And the person who wonders how it happens.
I used to live my life working for corporate America and just going through the motions and making it happen for someone else and wondering what was going on in my life; not very focused at all, just living my life. Then I aligned myself with Liberty League and now I wake up excited about what I’m going to create for the day. Not like I used to where it was wake up and okay….cruise through my day and go through the motions, with no guidance or purpose as to why I was there. Getting involved with Liberty League has helped me get clear with why I’m here and what I want for myself.
It’s very exciting when passion and purpose come together; it’s like that burning excitement for life. You the read cannot understand until you experience it for yourself. And an INCREDIBLE feeling it is.
It all starts with you and starting that first step into your journey and when you know what your purpose is, it only takes that first step to keep going.
Steven Spielberg’s movie - Joe vs. the Volcano:
Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are floating on a boat and Meg says “My father once told me that almost the whole world is completely asleep, but the very few that choose to be awake live in a complete and total state of amazement.”
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:03 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- 3 P’s of Success - Purpose, Passion, Practice
Passion is a natural choice and what occupies your attention.
Passion drives itself.
For instance, personal development and say goal cards are a tool designed to help you reconnect with what you used to do naturally; reminders to get connected to what you want, taking your eye off the drama and mundane stuff and get connected to what’s really important to you.
Getting clear on your goals brings you clarity and awareness and is incredibly important part of “stirring-up” your passion. The natural enthusiasms that we were born with and somewhere along the way have lost touch.
If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing – LOVE what doing and PASSIONATE about what you’re doing – you won’t succeed.
First you get clear on your purpose and passion is that natural innate enthusiasm that we all have when we’re clear on our purpose.
So go ahead and design you perfect day....AND GET PASSIONATE!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:56 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice
Monday, June 18, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- 3 P's to Success - Purpose Passion, Practice
Some people have greatness thrust upon them….Few have excellence thrust upon them….they achieve it.
They do not achieve it unwittingly by doing what comes naturally and they don’t stumble into it in the course of amusing themselves.
All excellence involves discipline and tenacity of purpose – John William Gardner
Practicing your craft – doing the thing….being engaged in the actual nuts and bolts that creates results.
Think Capitalism – Free Enterprise – Engaging in a business where you’re giving someone far more in value, then you receive in compensation.
Personal Development in its self is all about awareness, clarity, discovering who you are and your personal power. Practicing is getting engaged in the process that allows you to generate an income -- Linking the income producing activity.
Liberty League International is a lifestyle company that requires for one to apply the discipline and tenacity of purpose. What we have here is the ability to live an incredible lifestyle, to actually have the utmost experience of life and to live a life to the fullest. Life is about having the experience which involves taking action. It’s the action in this business that produces the income that gives us the freedom.
At LLI you have seven different ways to produce income:
Beyond Freedom Sales
Referred Beyond Freedom Sales
Liberty Conference Sales
Referred Liberty Conference Sales
Summit Conference Sales
Referred Summit Conference Sales
Revenue Reimbursement Rewards
A powerful compensation plan that rewards us for taking the actions you’re willing to take.
A mason complaining about his boss……
….. “I make $18.00 per hour and I saw my boss hand someone a bid for a job and on that bid the hourly rate was $50.00 per hour.”
The mason was upset that his boss was making $32.00 per hour while he was only making $18.00 per hour for the work he was doing. He was irritated and grumbling about the fact that he was only one of the 40 masons his boss was working with.
Yes, it’s irritating, but it’s called leverage and at the end of the day the bottom line is the employer deserves to charge $50.00 per hour and make $32.00 per hour for the job where the employee only makes $18.00 per hour, because the employer is the one who invested in the company and willing to take the risks. The employer is the one who gets up every single day and with discipline moves forward in his business, making sure he’s connecting with his customers and making sure his customers are getting what they deserve.
The employer is delivering and the employee is the one willing to pack his lunch, drive to the site and work for the employer so that the employer can make more money then the employee.
So the decision is:
Are you the one who’s going to take the risk and invest in yourself?
If not, then stay an employee and be happy about it.
Or, take advantage of the leverage and be the business owner.
“I had already proven that I was willing to pay the price, I was just paying the wrong price”
We’re all willing to put the time and effort into something. Are you doing it in a certain way or the right activity?
Have Purpose and Passion and then Practice
I’m a single mom determined to pave my own way and provide my son the lifestyle he deserves. I had the fortitude to believe in myself and take the risk.
The one thing, which I knew then and know now, for certain was that I was the person that could get the job done, show up everyday, forge forward and take the action.
I structure my time – practice makes perfect.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
12:48 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- Purpose Passion Practice
Purpose - Willingness to move forward
Purpose is the desire to create an ideal lifestyle for ourselves and our families.
We at Liberty League empower others; we offer an incredible product that is worth for more that its price tag. We benefit tremendously from pointing people to their ideal lifestyle, but ultimately our purpose is to be successful first.
That's my biggest responsibility to me, my family and the community of people I associate with here at Liberty League. By being true to my purpose I lead by example and so does everyone else here at LLI. The purpose is to discover how powerful and capable I am in creating the life that I desire. Living deliberately and on purpose.
Passion – is what moves us; drives us and will take us wherever we want to go.
Passion is the emotional reward in choosing to be the leader. Purpose is the desire and Passion is the pay off of actually living the life I desire.
The emotional payoff that will drive you to get up the next morning and continue to take the steps to reach your goals. It’s powerful to know that you’re doing what you’re suppose to be doing and your thoughts and actions are in alignment.
There is nothing that substitutes the power of the passionate person.
Being a passionate person is a choice and it’s an action you can actually choose.
Practice – life is not a dress rehearsal and everything we do matters.
The choice to be engaged in “the thing” that gets the results -- Taking the action that brings you closer to your purpose.
The Connection:
You can’t get into practice if you don’t have passion and you can’t be passionate if you don’t have the purpose.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
8:11 PM
Labels: purpose passion practice
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Coaching Series Program
It gives you quality of life back. It can create personal growth within you and strengthen your abilities to achieve any goal you set for yourself in life.
Personal development has given many people their life and family back. It creates a positive influence on the people around you and they in turn get excited about life again.
You can find your purpose, your why. It is a tool for self discovery that is created through a series of goal setting exercises, webinars, conference calls and a journaling system. It is your complete 90 day Personal Growth process. It has assisted many people to getting back to a point in their lives where they are enthusiastic and fired up about life everyday!
Think of it as you personal lifetime achievement course.
You and your family deserve to be free. Are you ready to change your life, simply by choice and the tools to do so? If yes, you are ready for a coaching series in your life.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
1:30 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
T. Harv Eker's
Behind the scene!
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:52 PM
Labels: T. Harv Eker
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The Secret Law of Attraction and Your Dream Life
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:58 PM
Labels: law of attraction, the secret
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Change How You Feel
Being able to manage and change your feelings is one of the most important things in personal development.
You might have all the logical and rational reasons in the world to do something, but then your emotions can just sweep in and pull everything to a grinding halt. Having your feelings for work you instead of against you can have a massive effect on your life.
There are many ways to change how you feel. Here are 10 ways that don’t include chocolate, pain or alcohol and that actually work.
All of them might not work right away, it’s a bit like learning to ride a bike. You don’t learn it by reading about it and the first times you try you might fall. But remember when you were a kid learning to ride a bike. You just got up of the ground, brushed yourself of and got on that bike again and again and again.
1. Relax
This one is easy but just remembering that you can relax when you feel all tensed up can work wonders. You might realise that much of that tension was something you just built up in your own mind.
In “A guide to the the Huna way – mastering your hidden self” King Serge Kahili writes this about effort and relaxation:
”When people are trying to change a habit of thought or behaviour, they often complain that it takes too much effort. Others may criticize them for not having a strong enough will. What actually happens is that such people are trying to force a habit to change by using their muscles against it, and this is true whether the habit is physical or mental.
This kind of forceful attempt creates tension that locks up the body’s energy and makes people feel worn out. They end up literally fighting themselves, which is rarely effective. All you really have to do is make your decision by your will, relax your muscles, and direct your attention in the way you want to go, until the new habit is established. If you ever feel that using your will is an effort relax and Start over.”
2. Ask different questions
We are always asking ourselves questions, but they might be questions that aren’t really that good. Instead of asking yourself: “why must I do this?”, ask yourself “how can I make this more fun for me?” or “how can this help me?”. Don’t ask yourself “will I be able to do this?”, instead ask “how will I do this?”.
Ask better questions that empowers you.
Questions that presupposes that you have the power over your own life.
Questions that directs your focus to solutions and opens your mind to new possibilities instead of questions that just makes you feel trapped and lousy.
3. Smile
Smiling gives you a boost of happiness. Try forcing yourself to smile for thirty seconds right now. The great feelings that make you smile works in reverse too. By making yourself smile, no matter how you feel, your body will start releasing all those wonderful chemicals that makes you feel happy. Try it right now and feel the difference.
4. Appreciate things
This is one of the most simple and effective ways to just feel so much better. Just look around yourself. Appreciate the good food you’re eating, the hot woman or man walking past you, the kids playing and just having fun in the mud puddles, all the possibilities in your life, all the great things about your friends and your family, the birds singing… Ok, so perhaps it sounds a bit corny.
But it really works. And it’s great to try to change your mindset to one where you appreciate the things in your everyday life instead of taking them for granted.
5. Interrupt your thought pattern
You might be feeling down or you are procrastinating. Maybe nothing is working out for you today. You just want to go home and go to bed. Here’s where you might want to interrupt your thought pattern. And you do that simply by doing something unexpected and totally different from what you are doing now.
Some suggestions; take a glass of water, throw it in own your face. Or jump up and down ten times singing the chorus from “We are the champions” by Queen at the top of you lungs. Or imagine your negative inner voice sounding like Goofy. Do something that totally breaks your thought pattern. Something humours is nice because it’s often the opposite to a depressed or anxious state that you would like to break out of. And laughter and smiles breaks tension too.
When you have done that you might not be able to able to find your way back to that previous train of thought. Much like when you have a conversation, someone comes up to you and asks a question and then when you turn around again back to you friend you can’t remember what the two of you were talking about. You feel confused and your state has changed. Make up five things to do that really breaks your pattern and try them out. You may also want to try and find a couple that you can do among other people too without being labelled as crazy.
6. Use an external stateboost
On one of his audiotapes Tony Robbins mentions that before one of his guest-speakers or coaches goes up on stage they watch videos with Eddie Murphy. It puts them in a great state before performing. As you might have guessed, that tape wasn’t recorded this year or even this century. Eddie’s been in a slump for a while.
This is a great idea and you probably already using it to some degree. Anyways, here are some suggestions. Change and boost your emotional state with some of your favourite music, maybe a couple of YouTube-clips, an episode of the Simpsons (or your favourite sitcom), personal development-cds, -books or –websites. Or perhaps Eddie Murphy’s “Delirious” or “Raw”. That’s some side-splittingly funny stand-up.
7. Eat. But not too much. Or too little
If you feel tired and frustrated maybe you just need to eat to get your energy back and your blood sugar up to a more healthy level. But don’t eat too much or you’ll feel tired and lazy. Don’t eat to little either or pretty soon you’ll feel just as bad as you did before you ate. Also, it you’re sitting most of the day, take it a bit easy on the carbs and the size of your portions. You may have been raised to eat large and healthy meals, but maybe your father and mother had more physical jobs…
8. Create a physical anchor
Ok, this one might take a while but it seems to work for many people. Basically you stand up, close your eyes and imagine an emotional state that you want to able to snap into on command. As an example I imagined a time when I felt really powerful and confident. I stood, I breathed and I moved the way I did that one time. Then while I was back in that state both physically and mentally I snapped the fingers of my right hand. Over and over. Over and over and over again. The theory is that you link up that emotion with the physical act of snapping your fingers.
Did it work? Yeah, actually it kinda does. When I snap my fingers I get an emotional boost and go into that state again. However, the effect is not 100%. It doesn’t feel as good as it did that one time. But it’s my first anchor and by practicing more, I think especially by trying to visualize and feel that state even more intensely, the anchors are likely to become more and more accurate.
Anchoring is based on Ivan Pavlov and his experiments with dogs and bells but has been developed by people in the field of NLP (neurolinguistic programming).
9. Open yourself up to other possibilities that are more beneficial to you
Have some faith that the way you view work, relationships, money, exercise, life and those other things are not the only way to see them. Having the feeling that you are right about something and “know how things work” can feel really good. It’s instant gratification and gives you security and comfort.
But it also limits you by closing your mind to other avenues of thought and personal development. Seek out a couple of experts’ advice in the area that you are having problems with. Use google and amazon, just dive in to the subject for a while to get a basic understanding. Most likely there are things you can do both to remedy the problem and to change you perspective on this trouble area. There are often more solutions than one or two to a problem.
10. Recall your positive experiences and memories
It’s easy to be overcome by negative internal chatter. “I can´t do this, what if they think I´m incompetent, God I´m gonna fail, I´m gonna fail and this why did I take this shirt, it’s so ugly”. And so on.
When preparing for a meeting, a job interview, a presentation, asking someone for a date or anything that makes you really nervous recall your positive memories from similar experiences. Think back to when you were funny and charming in the bar. Remember the times when you were confident and relaxed during previous meetings and interviews. Let a few of your best memories wash over you. Let them drown out your negative thoughts.
This will make you remember the positive and wonderful sides of yourself. The qualities and your inner possibilities that are always there but we often forget about them when we get caught up in a cloud of negative thoughts and feelings. Focusing on these positive experiences instead of those negative ones that always seem to be closer at hand can make a big difference.
Learning to direct you feelings more and more have implications beyond feeling better. By feeling better you will more constantly start to see the world in another way and you will start to see other, more beneficial options. And your feelings will start to work for you instead of stopping you when you want to take action.
And try to use these suggestions from the perspective of yourself when you were a kid trying to learn to ride that bike. If at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself of and try again.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
3:10 PM
Labels: personal development
Focus Your Marketing
Your home-based business can produce steady income for you and your family if you follow a few simple rules.Focus on people's needs, make it easy for people to make purchases or join your group, answer questions fully, and provide excellent customer service.This, combined with a well thought out Internet marketing plan, will ensure you a successful home business experience.Whether you develop your own specialized plan or follow guidelines created and tested by others (see link below), Internet marketing can be very rewarding if you create a sensible plan and implement it wisely.
What is the most important considerations for you in a home based business opportunity? It's Multiple Streams of Internet Income. Do you want to make money online and become an Internet marketing experts? Then diversification in online home based business is a good thing to consider. Making tons of money in a home based business is not the only reason record numbers of people are starting home based Internet businesses.
Before you begin advertising your Internet marketing business either online or offline, there is a general rule of thumb: identify your target audience.For example, if your home based business is promoting denture creams and related products, your target audience would not be teenagers, nor would the mature audience likely be interested in skateboards.It is important to channel your advertisements to those who will be interested in your products to avoid investing your efforts and/or money needlessly.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
11:58 AM
Labels: entrepreneur, working from home
Friday, June 1, 2007
Wake UP to Success -- Claiming Ownership of Your Business and Taking Action II
The real “bottom line” demarcation between success and not success with any entrepreneurial/self reliant type of opportunity is – the level of motivation.
Now this is the interesting part…..motivation is not something you can buy or get from someone else. Motivation is internal and it comes from knowing that your goal is a possibility. Knowing why you want to be successful with your business, the burning desires/reasons.
What I did to take action and ownership of my business, was to first figure out my goal, my WHY and I wrote it down in detail
Getting clear with “a real possibility in my life” translates into motivation and taking the action.
Keep the reward in mind and at hand at all times and you’ll be destin to realize your result and greatness.
Motivate yourself, take the action and realize the result.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
6:10 PM
Build Buzz With Video
While we're talking e-business trends, let's take a look at video, which has gone through rapid and massive growth this past year. Free hosting by sites like YouTube, plus the availability of digital video recorders on cameras and mobile phones, enable literally anyone to create their own videos.
So far, one of the most successful applications of video-to-internet marketing has been to offer quality educational content for free (with or without an opt-in), and position it as a limited-time offer. Viewers watch the video, such as the first part of a ten-part course, and then pass it on to other potential customers. The more people who see it and recognize the value for their own life or business, the more they’ll take the next step and go to your website to get the next installment.
How-to videos uploaded to video-sharing sites can also draw targeted audiences. I just spotted one recently: “How to Fold a Fitted Sheet.” Don’t you think an online bedding store should’ve done that first?
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:51 AM
Labels: entrepreneur
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
Free Audio
"There is a secret psychology to money," says T. Harv Eker, internationally known speaker and author of 11 top-selling books and courses, "Most people don't know about it, that's why most people never reach their financial potential."
Eker explains, "Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world! A lack of money is not a problem, it is merely a symptom of what's going on underneath! The fastest and only way to permanently change your financial situation on the outside, is to first change it on the inside." Eker should know, using this strategy he went from zero to millionaire in only 2 1/2 years!
Here's just a portion of what you'll learn!
1.The 5 critical ways rich people think differently than the poor & middle class.
2.The hidden cause of almost all financial problems.
3.How your childhood conditioning is affecting you financially today.
4.Why knowledge & skill do not create wealth.
5.How to attract so-called "luck" with money and success.
6How to train your "mind" to work for you instead of against you.
"Money miracles can occur when we get out of our own way," says Eker. "The problem is, by ourselves, we can never see what's holding us back from reaching our full potential. Einstein said it best, "you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it." The information in this course is extremely powerful! If you learn the strategies and use them, your financial life will change forever."
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:17 AM
Labels: T. Harv Eker
10 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2007
By Kim T. Gordon
Throughout 2006, I've been watching and interpreting the marketing stats and studies that impact small businesses to give you tips on staying one step ahead. Now, with 2007 fast approaching, let's look at a roundup of the hottest trends, from changes taking place among consumer audiences through what to watch for in traditional and online marketing. Here's the info you need on the most important trends and how to make the most of them to increase sales and grow your business in the New Year.
Consumer Trends
1. College Grads
If you're searching for the most effective way to reach this desirable prospect group, move your marketing dollars into online media. The internet is now the primary source of media and entertainment among college grads, whose top planned purchases upon graduation are professional clothing, travel/airline tickets, health insurance and furniture according to the “Y2M: eGrad College Graduate Survey”. Nearly 80 percent of respondents are online purchasers, making them ideal candidates for your online campaign
2. Affluent Working Women
The big news is that this group is increasing in size, and the best way to reach them may be online. According to The Media Audit, affluent working women with family incomes of $75,000 or more are growing in number, and 94.3 percent access the internet during an average month. About half are now considered heavy users of the internet, while heavy use of radio, television, newspapers and direct mail has all declined within this group. To increase sales from this expanding audience, alter your media spending to place greater emphasis online.
3. Asian Population Growth
The southern region of the U.S. boasts the fastest Asian population growth rate (31 percent), followed by the Midwest (24 percent), the Northeast (23 percent) and the West (19 percent), according to an analysis of Census Bureau data in the “American Community Survey” by Kang & Lee Advertising. Asians represent a prospect group with higher than average household incomes and education levels. Can you offer a product or service that will appeal to this growing market?
4. Word-Of-Mouth
Want to build buzz? Lucid Marketing's study, "U.S. Adults: Word of Mouth Communications," found that women were more likely than men to share a positive experience with a business or recommend an enjoyable product; full-time employees made substantially more daily contacts than those not in the workforce; and people with household earnings of more than $100,000 were more likely to make recommendations than those earning less. So buzz marketers should direct efforts to these three "chatty" groups.
Trends in Traditional Media
5. Yellow Pages
According to a study from the Kelsey group, marketers targeting younger demographics should transition away from print. Only 28 percent of teens said they would turn to print Yellow Pages first to find a local business, product, or service, while 47 percent said their first choice would be search engines. And just 44 percent of respondents between the ages and 18 and 34 favored print Yellow Pages.
6. Simultaneous Media Usage
There's no longer such a thing as a captive media audience--consumers are frequently participating in more than one form of media at any one time. Seventy percent of web users, for instance, watch TV occasionally to regularly while online, according to BIGresearch’s “Simultaneous Media Survey.” It also found that nearly 65 percent watch TV while they read, and 51 percent of radio listeners read the newspaper while listening. The rise in multitasking among consumers mandates an integrated media approach and an increased emphasis on advertising within the most relevant and engaging content.
7. Newspapers
This past year, many of the websites of major newspapers have become the number-one portals in their geographic markets and are drawing a larger, younger and more affluent readership. The audience that reads a newspaper’s website but not its print version accounts for 2 to 15 percent of the Integrated Newspaper Audience, according to Scarborough Research, and that represents hundreds of thousands of readers for many newspapers in larger markets. They’re successfully attracting 18-to-34-year-olds to their sites, and the online readers are more upscale, which can make them a more desirable audience. If you're an advertiser in the "print" newspaper, you can negotiate for a combo rate to run online as well to reach these additional readers. And if advertising in the print newspaper is too expensive for your business, you may find more affordable rates online by drilling down past the main pages to place ads on content-rich, but less frequently visited web pages.
Hot Online Trends
8. Web Conferencing
As business travel becomes increasingly challenging due to increased security, advance check-in times and transportation delays, online workshops and meetings that require no travel are coming to the forefront. It’s more desirable than ever to demo your new product to a group or make a sales presentation without anyone ever leaving home. Participants can watch your presentation on their computer monitors and hear you live on their computer speakers or by phone. In fact, I'm now transitioning to this technology to deliver webinars, and you can, too.
9. Online Research
Whether you sell exclusively online or primarily through a brick-and-mortar site, online search will have a profound impact on your sales in 2007. When asked how often they researched products online before buying them in person or in a store, 87 percent of nearly 7,500 respondents to a BIGresearch “Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey” said they did so occasionally to regularly. And a comScore research study showed that 63 percent of searchers completed a purchase in offline retail stores following their search activity. So no matter whether you sell online, off-line or both, you need a great website with deep, persuasive content that keeps your prospects and customers shopping on your site or sends them to your store.
10. Local Search
Want to know where to invest your online marketing dollars in 2007? Aim for higher rankings in the top search engines. Sixty-two percent of searchers click on a link within the first page of results, according to a report from iProspect and Jupiter Research. To win higher rankings in natural search results, you can optimize your site by sprinkling the keyword phrases your best prospects will be searching for throughout all the pages of your site, in your page descriptions and in metatags. You should also secure links to your site from other high-ranking websites. But to guarantee you'll turn up in the top search results, invest in a paid search campaign. Local search campaigns are often the most affordable and will bring traffic from your immediate market area in the New Year.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
8:30 AM
Labels: internet marketing
Monday, May 28, 2007
Work From Home Tips
When you are working online, you must create a system and work that system. Why a system?
A system holds you accountable. A system allows you the opportunity to track and test and make adjustments. A system gives you the framework to share your success with others.
So once you have your system, are there a few tricks and tips and techniques that can help you go ‘over the top’? You bet there are!
Here are just a few:
1) Try tracking your sales rather than your opt-in rates. It is really easy to keep track of opt-in rates and use that as a gauge for the success of a traffic source. But if you track each sale back to the source, the sales might tell a different story.
2) Get more organized. Create a new folder on your desktop. ‘Online resources’ In that folder, have a collection of other folders, one for each type of product or tool or email you receive. It is too easy to save free gifts, tools, and quality emails for your swipe file, but when you are looking for them a month down the road, you have no idea how to find what you are looking for. You don’t remember the cryptic name you saved it under ( You don’t remember which file your computer so helpfully suggested you place it in.
3) Send your email list a survey. What do they want you to write about? What products are they looking for? How can you better serve them?
4) Change up your signature on your email from time to time. Maybe you have a new web site or a new affiliate program most of those on your daily emailing list have not seen. After awhile, your same old signature becomes boring. Change it up!
5) Go back to the basics. When you hit a plateau, ask yourself what you did when you first started growing. You may think, but that was so amateur! But who cares, if it was creating growth. Do what works, not what everyone else thinks you should be doing.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:25 AM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Helpful Sites for Your Biz
Sitekreatorwww.sitekreator.comSiteKreator provides DIY services to build, publish and host Web 2.0-ready websites for $95 a year. Easy-to-implement features include blogs, web forums, image galleries and mailing lists. Websites are based on templates and are customizable. The business edition starts with storage capacity of 200MB and can be upgraded to 1GB. SiteKreator allows for unlimited pages and enables you to add your logo, slogan and custom text, giving your website the look and feel you want.
Bizfilings.comwww.bizfilings.comThis site is a one-stop shop for small businesses looking to incorporate or form an LLC. The site is full of information, including a helpful comparison of LLCs and corporations. Products and services are also available, such as corporate supplies and amendment filings as well as a free guide to incorporation. More than 150,000 companies have found help at, which accommodates businesses in all 50 states. Prices vary from state to state.
PR Mentor Mentor offers a PR toolkit to help entrepreneurs get their messages heard. The toolkit enables businesses to use the same PR process as large agencies and includes templates, samples, work sheets and more. The $299 PR Mentor System includes the toolkit and offers access to a members-only online forum where you can get PR questions answered and even have your press releases reviewed. The toolkit a la carte is $129.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
10:29 PM
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Look At What I Stumbled Upon

Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
12:12 PM
Labels: stumbleupon
Monday, May 21, 2007
Journal to Prosperity - Lifesytle
I’m living proof that I’m in a business with a community of people that allow me to be exactly who I want to be. I get to choose the lifestyle that I choose.
How I did this was by taking personal responsibility for my life.....when I did ~ everything became possible.
I allowed myself to be open and I made the decision to make a significant change in my life.
I asked myself “What do I want?” and I got real specific with what I wanted.
I wrote down exactly what I wanted and had a visual picture of exactly what I wanted.
I knew it was exactly what I wanted, because I felt it emotionally and it had nothing to do with money or anything else, but everything to do with me.
SMART goal:
S – specific, clear, detailed goal
M– measurable
A– attainable
R– relevant
T– timely
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
10:58 AM
Labels: smart goal
Saturday, May 19, 2007
7 Great Ways To Finance a Startup
No matter how groundbreaking your idea for a new business, you won't get past the starting gate without funding. While there are many ways to find money, most are generally more appropriate for more established companies. Still, there are some smart tacks for start ups. Here's a look at seven options: read more...
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
9:07 AM
Labels: start up cost
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Journal to Prosperity
Question to journal about today:
What would I do today if I knew I could not fail?
Liberty League International is a business opportunity creating powerful leaders.
Unlock your power, join the Liberty League community.
The Liberty League community is for individuals who choose to live their life outside the box and the directions to get outside the box are written outside the box.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
3:59 PM
Wake UP to Success -- Claiming Ownership of Your Business and Taking Action
Personal development and the law of attraction are on the forefront of the public consciousness.
The business that I’m affiliated with Liberty League International is leading the charge, in terms of showing people how to create their lives on purpose.
The commonalities of people that get consistent results take ownership of their business and take action.
First ask yourself:
What could I do that I haven’t done?
Where is it that I could be more effective?
What decisions can I make that I haven’t made yet?
~ Its one thing to be around the business and yet another to be in the business – to be the business ~
In my case with Liberty League International, I’m in the business of Transformation/Liberation; so when I think about what I can do that I haven’t done….it’s up to me….if I’m a person of integrity and my word….then YES I’m going to accomplish those things……and it’s up to me to take the actions I’ve yet to take.
For example, part of that is going away for the weekend on a whim, because my business is a lifestyle company and that’s what I came here for, so it reveals the lifestyle. Its part of the actions that I must take to reach the goals I set for myself. Which, in fact, are out of my comfort zone, taking a weekend jaunt to a spontaneous place and spending money on hotels and everything else involved. And for you the reader, there are all kinds of things you have to do; and the things we have to do are not mysterious to us because they are the things we aren’t comfortable doing; if we were then we would already have them.
Michael Losier the author of The Law of Attraction says – “if you’re wondering what you’ve been expecting or attracting, just look around, you already have it.”
Ask yourself:
What’s the price that I have to pay?
So when I ask myself…..What do I want to do least?....and I know what it is, as I try my hardest to avoid recognizing it, well that’s the one that I do first! I get uncomfortable and it moves me toward the unknown, the next level. I abandon “comfort zone” and I get unreasonable and I take the action.
So ask yourself:
What actions can I take, that I’m seeing others take that are bearing fruit in their lives?
And without questions or hesitation TAKE THOSE ACTIONS!!
Do the thing to succeed, not to try not to fail.
Fear gives away you’re power
Be powerful and go beyond your fears….if you desire to succeed, play full out, no questions, no hesitations, if it moves you in the direction of your goals, take the action immediately, but if you think…what if it doesn’t work for me? POOF you’ve already lost.
I don’t operate my business with an escape path or a plan B. That’s claiming ownership.
Claiming ownership means….I create my life, I create the exact amount of financial success.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
2:24 PM
Labels: claiming ownership, get results, law of attraction, personal development, taking action
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
T Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind
Your financial blueprint is made up of the "programming" you have received in the past, especially as a young child.
If you have been set in the wrong direction, with negative associations or emotions around money you must reset if you are ever going to get more money. T Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reveals how to set your blueprint for success.
Your blueprint is like a thermostat. If the temperature in the room is 72°, chances are the thermostat is set for 72°. Is it possible that because the window is open, and it's cold outside, the temperature can drop to 65°? Of course, but what will eventually happen is the thermostat will kick in and bring the temperature back to 72°.
The only way to permanently change the temperature in the room is to reset the thermostat.
Similarly, the only way to change your level of financial success on a "permanent" basis is to reset your financial thermostat, otherwise known as your money blueprint.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
5:55 PM
Labels: T. Harv Eker
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Be Productive
These days our lives are busier than ever. We work more than ever. We are more stressed and exhausted than ever before. And yet we get less done and are not as happy.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
The problem is that we are overloaded with information and tasks, and we try to get everything done instead of just the most essential things. Solution: focus on only the essential, eliminate the rest, and allow yourself to get into that beautiful state known as “flow”.
And although it can be hard to give up all the busy-ness that we’ve grown accustomed to, the change will have tremendous benefits on our sanity, our stress levels, our happiness, and yes, our productivity.
Here are 10 simple ways to be more productive with less effort:
Clear your head. It’s impossible to gain perspective, and to know what is truly essential, if we are in the middle of an information stream. Take an hour, or half a day if possible, to shut off the information flow, and to get a larger view of your life and your job. The time you take off will be well worth it. Tell everyone that you are unavailable, shut off all communications, shut yourself in somewhere private, and take some time to think about what is important. What do you want? Where are you going? What will it take to get there? Another good way to clear your head, which is necessary for focus, is to write down everything that you need to do, all your tasks and projects and ideas. Dump the contents of your mind on paper, and then stop thinking about them for a little while.
Focus on the essential tasks. Once you’ve gotten your head cleared, you need to figure out what tasks are most essential. Ask yourself this magic question: “What task can you do that will get you the most return on your time?” Figure out the project that will get you the most recognition, win you awards, or get you the most business. Something that will pay off big. Not something you’ll forget about in a week, but something that others will remember you by. This is an essential task. Make a list of these types of tasks — they’re your most important things to do this week.
Eliminate the rest. Now look at your overall list. What’s on there that’s not essential? Can you just drop them from your schedule? Or delegate them to someone else? If not, put them on a “waiting list”. Then, as you focus on your essential tasks, check back on this waiting list every now and then. Sometimes you’ll realize that the less essential tasks weren’t really necessary at all.
Do essential tasks first. If you’ve got a list of things to do today, and one or two of them are truly essential, do those items first thing in the morning. Don’t wait until later in the day, because they’ll get pushed back as other urgent stuff comes up. Get them out of the way, and your productivity will truly soar.
Eliminate distractions. You can put essential stuff on your list all year long, but if you are constantly interrupted by email notifications, IM, cell phones, your RSS reader, gadgets and widgets, social media, forums and the like, you’ll never be productive. Turn these things off, disconnect yourself from the Internet if possible, clear your desk of all papers, clear your walls and surrounding areas, and allow yourself to truly focus.
Use simple tools. Don’t fidget with a bunch of gadgets or the latest and coolest applications. Find a simple notebook for writing things down, a simple to-do list (no frills) and the simplest application possible for doing your work. Then forget about the tools and think only of the task at hand. If you’re too worried about the tools, you’re not actually doing anything.
Do one thing at a time. Multi-tasking is a waste of time. You can’t get things done with a million things going on at once, pulling for your attention. Focus on the essential task in front of you, to the exclusion of all else, and you are much more likely to get it completed, in less time, with less effort.
Find quiet. In addition to a quiet working environment, you need time every day that you can call your own, where you don’t have to do work. This could be through reading, taking a bath, walking in nature, going swimming at the beach, going jogging, meditating. Not reading your feeds. Get away from the information overload and find that peace that will allow you to truly focus when you do work, and to review your day in your mind, and to get the perspective to see what is essential.
Make the most of your work. It’s one thing to write something great, or to create something fantastic. But it’s entirely another thing to make that great thing explode, to get you attention, to earn the recognition you deserve — which will lead to more business or more opportunities. Once you’ve created the Next Great Thing, promote it, show it to others, find a way to have it carry you as far as it can take you. Don’t just create something and move on to the next thing. Use your energy and talents to their fullest extent.
Simplify some more. Once you’ve simplified down to the essential, and eliminated distractions, you should become productive. But distractions and the unnecessary have a way of creeping back in and accumulating. Every now and then, take a look at what you’re doing, at the information coming into your life, at how you spend your time and the tools you use. Then simplify some more.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:19 AM
Labels: entrepreneur
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Condemned To Google Hell
What happened? Sanar isn't completely sure. But he does know that his site has been condemned to the supplemental index, a dreaded backwater region of Google search results that goes by another name in online marketing circles: Google Hell.
Google Hell is the worst fear of the untold numbers of companies that depend on search results to keep their business visible online. Getting stuck there means most users will never see the site, or at least many of the site's pages, when they enter certain keywords. And getting out can be next to impossible--because site operators often don't know what they did to get placed there.
Google's programmers appear to have created the supplemental index with the best intentions. It's designed to lighten the workload of Google's "spider," the algorithm that constantly combs and categorizes the Web's pages. Google uses the index as a holding pen for pages it deems to be of low quality or designed to appear artificially high in search results.
Those pages are scanned far less frequently than those in the main index, meaning that once a page is marked for Google Hell, it can languish there for as long as a year before Google even deigns it worthy of a reappraisal. And as Google tries to manage an explosively growing Web, more and more sites are finding themselves thrown into the search engine's digital dungeon.
If that makes the world's leading Web-crawler sound judgmental, consider Google's difficult position. The search juggernaut is faced with the endless task of reading and ranking the ever-expanding Web's billions of pages, the equivalent of putting the Earth's population in order from tallest to shortest every few minutes. Meanwhile there are growing numbers of pages filled only with junk text and advertising, designed solely to fool the engine. It's Google's task to sort out the trash from the worthwhile, and to do it better and faster than competitors like Yahoo! (nasdaq: YHOO - news - people ), Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ), or InterActiveCorp's (nasdaq: IACI - news - people )
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:00 PM
Labels: google hell, internet marketing
Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Success Formula
Clever product and service ideas are a dime a dozen. Everybody has one, and most of them never get implemented. The successful entrepreneur starts with a basic idea. This idea is first tested to staying power. Can it be used to grow a customer base, and will it be profitable? The pseudo-entrepreneurial itch often ends before the basic idea gets tested. Studies show that a high percentage of people who open new businesses do so because they are frustrated with their current job. They'll jump into any business venture that comes along without first checking it out. Ninety percent of this group will go out of business in their first year.
Those that make it are smart enough to recognize the symptoms of their emotional state. They are acutely aware that they may be in a vulnerable position. As a result, they may hang on to the security of their current job and start a business on the side. They'll make the move to become a full-time entrepreneur when the time is right for them and after they have thoroughly checked out their business venture ideas. There are three basic concepts to keep in mind as you develop and refine your business start-up ideas.
Be Creative
The opposite of creativity is rigidity. Entrepreneurs are not rigid in their thinking. If you cling to the old ways of doing things because "that's the way we have always done it," you'll never come up with the new solutions that are demanded by today's small businesses. To test your creative ability, practice finding ways to tie together seemingly unrelated ideas.
Resolve Problems
You must have a clear understanding of what it is you are trying to achieve and be able to identify the obstacles that stand in your way. Break each problem down so that you understand it and know what you need to do to eliminate it. For example, the problem may be that you need more space. Why do you need more space, and what are the alternatives? An alternative may pose a new set of problems, but if they reduce the magnitude of the original problem, the alternative may be a more viable option.
When you come up with a solution to a problem, brainstorm the solution with as many qualified people as you can find to avoid judging your own answer. Accept modifications that make sense, and be prepared to replace the solution with a totally new and better alternative. The key to the brainstorming process is to be objective. Brainstorming is an excellent way to come up with a new set of ideas for new products, services, or improvements that could accelerate the growth of your business.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
8:11 AM
Labels: entrepreneur, entrepreneur quiz, home business
Friday, May 4, 2007
The Most Expensive Movie Ever Made Spider Man 3
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
10:14 PM
Labels: sony, Spider Man 3
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Get The Word Out On Your Home Business
Are you ready for a year of guerrilla marketing?
Never before has the online community had such an opportunity to reach its audience offline. On top of that, the spammers and hackers haven't yet found a way to infiltrate podcasting. (They probably will, but not like they've done with e-mail.)
Podcasts, like any information you put out, should be of interest and value to your target market. What do they need to help their businesses or their personal lives? What solutions do you have that they would like to hear more about? These are the things people find interesting in podcasts. A once-a-month delivery promoted through all your other marketing channels will give a real synergistic boost to your marketing.
There are 100 times more blogs than there were three years ago, according Sifry's Alerts' August post on the State of the Blogosphere. At first, it was only the most tech-savvy businesses that had blogs. Now blogging is on the increase with all types of businesses because it's a cost-effective way to create marketing buzz and communities of support.
Blogging is like having a conversation with your target market. It also provides an interactive forum for your target market to talk back to you. And a blog done in conjunction with your website gives you one more way to reach your prospects.
The best part is, many blog programs allow you to set everything up yourself with little or no technical know-how. If you're not sure you'll be able to support a blog on your own, contribute to someone else's. This'll help you gain exposure and position you as an expert in your field.
Online Advertising
Ad dollars are continuing to shift to the internet and will continue to do so as new opportunities such as video open up. Online ad spending increases have been driven by the growing ability to measure campaigns effectively and a relatively high ROI. As a result, for many businesses, the question isn't whether to advertise online or even where or when, but rather how to stretch every dollar spent.
For the everyday entrepreneur and guerrilla marketer, this translates into a focused pay-per-click campaign on Yahoo! or Google AdWords. You can focus on a particular target market searching particular keywords and test your campaign instantly, all for fewer dollars than the old mass-market banner ads and certainly for a lot less than the cost of print ads.
Expanding to Global Markets
Borders are being removed in the business world because international labor rates and talent levels make location irrelevant on the Internet. No longer is going global just for large corporations; Sally’s e-commerce bead shop that's operating from a home office can now do business in as many countries as have Internet access.
For the aggressive entrepreneur, marketing globally is done mostly online. Using pay-per-click campaigns, a focused opt-in e-mail campaign or other traffic-generation techniques, a local entrepreneur can easily reach a global market.
The Internet has also greatly reduced language barriers. A lot of e-commerce is done in English, so there's not necessarily a huge need to translate. However, translated websites do open up new opportunities.
Expanding to global markets can be done with your e-commerce website or as an affiliate of the many thousands of retail portals available online, like and eBay.
Direct Marketing
No longer are awareness ads or even branding ads generating enough results to justify their use. Today's consumers want to know what’s in it for them. They want a deal, a discount or something special. These all have implications for increased direct marketing. In addition, with all the technology available to us for managing databases, target markets can be more tightly defined, segregated, sorted, compiled and marketed to, providing a higher return to those employing direct marketing.
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
10:16 PM
Labels: direct sales, entrepreneur, marketing
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Work-At-Home Moms
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:46 AM
Labels: home business, internet marketing
Thursday, April 26, 2007
How Couples Run a Home Business Without Running Each Other Down
Combining marriage and business is not an endeavor to be taken lightly. It requires serious consideration and answers to some tough questions. Here are 10 tips for running a successful home-based business with your spouse:
-- Determine if you can work side by side. Ask yourself honestly if you can work patiently alongside your spouse day in and day out, and then go from business partner to life partner after work. If you can't picture yourself making this transition, then you probably should not run a business together.
-- Discuss your goals. Are your visions for the business the same as those of your spouse? Even the strongest marriage will be tested if you are working at cross-purposes.
-- Write a business plan and solicit feedback. Once you detail your vision, show it to a consultant for an objective opinion. There is tremendous value in feedback from an unbiased source.
-- Define each person's role. The roles can be flexible (and will likely have to change over time) but must at least address the basics: who will keep the books, who will do the shipping, etc.
-- Keep the lines of communication open. Don't be critical of one another -- and don't be dismissive or contemptuous of your partner. Confront the challenges of the business, not one another.
-- Be circumspect when talking with clients. Your customers don't need to know that your partner in business is also your partner in life. Confiding in a client about your relationship with your partner can poison your relationship with your customer as well as your marriage.
-- Form a united front. Do not allow employees or customers to pit one of you against the other. Never put a sale or a customer ahead of your spouse.
-- Set firm boundaries and honor them. Set up your office in a space that doesn't disrupt the entire family.
-- Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Draw up legal agreements detailing how the business will be divided if you split up or if one of you decides to opt out of the business. Also, have a contingency plan in place in the event that your spouse falls short of his or her business obligations.
-- Don't deal with family matters during business hours. Running a small business and being a good partner and parent are each difficult on their own. To do both concurrently will almost ensure that you fail at both. Set specific times outside of business hours for discussing family business.
Article By Allbusiness
Posted by
Priscilla Ortiz
7:28 AM
Labels: allbusiness, entrepreneur, home business